Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Leadership is not a learned behaviour... and the business of leadership development is just, nothing more.

Recently I was reading an excellent book entitled "Leadership Reconsidered". The basic premise of the book was how we define a leaders. Was is by their power, influence and control or was it rather by the legacy that we leave upon leaving this planet.

Is a leader some one who has followers? Is is a gifted person who possesses a charismatic personality? I have found this book to be supremely challenging and thought provoking.

With Chapters like "Jefferson and Jefferson, walk like a man" and "Smile when I'm gone, the legacy of laughter" this book challenges the concepts of leadership within the 21 century mindset, both inside and outside the church.

So how about you? What is the legacy that you are trying to leave? What footprint will be followed after your walking is done?

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Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
I'm just someone who desires all that God has for me. - To follow God with integrity. - To relate to people honestly. - To live a life to it's totality.