Monday, February 26, 2018

“All men die but not all men truly live.”

Recently, I have been challenged at the sudden and tragic death of a daughter of dear friends of mine. This young life, a beautiful young woman of only 21 years old, was stuck down in moment. She went from a life full of hope and promise to a member of great crowd of witnesses. Life to death… this event is so tragic, heart breaking and devastating for her family and all those who knew her that it was almost more than most of us could bear. 

So many questions, so many walls, and so much pain.

Oh Lord, please, no…                                            Silence.
Oh Lord, why? ...                                                    Silence.
Oh Lord, where, is the balance? ...                         Silence
Oh Lord where is your plan? …                              Silence.
Oh Lord, please take me instead…                        Silence.
Oh Lord, where are you? …                                   Silence.

Oh Lord, please send your comfort…                 Ahh… There you are.

These and other questions have pulsated through my heart and mind as I have contemplated this tragedy. This moment has once again brought me back to the moment where we surrender to the Almighty. This moment has once again brought me back to the awareness that God has promised to never leave or forsake us regardless of whatever this broken and fallen world can thrown against us. Clearly, this world is broken and will do what it can do to try and break you, and yet... there is hope.

Jesus said it best when He said, “In this world you will have trouble but be of good cheer for I have overcome the world.”

For this young woman, no truer statement could ever be said. Snatched out of the loving arms of her parents, family and friends into the loving arms of her Lord. Taken from this world into the world beyond, suddenly, painfully, and eternally.

Many people do live their lives focused on the here and now, but this young life, this young leader, lived her life focused on the someday and forever. Each time I interacted with her I was reminded of her love for her Lord, for others and even for this old Pastor. She would often take a moment to pause and ask me how I was doing and with each and every encounter I knew that she was living her life to honour her Lord first.

I am reminded of a moment when sitting at a restaurant where she worked that she noticed me sitting by myself at the table, waiting for those others to join me. Instead of just passing by with a quick, “Hello Pastor Dave” she stopped and took the time to ask me, “How are you and how my family was enjoying living in Vanuatu as missionaries? What was most challenging? What was the best and worst thing that has happened?”

After listening she then said, “Pastor Dave, that is amazing, you are doing such a great thing there…” and then the conversation, just as quickly as it had started, was over and she returned to her work.

Now this really does not seem like a lot, but I assure you that when you return from the mission field, you answer a great number of questions and very quickly you can perceive which of the people asking the questions really want to hear. She wanted to hear.

She wanted to hear! To hear stories of God’s love for the people from around the world who were coming to Jesus and coming to church. She wanted to hear stories of the challenges of missing family, and friends and the challenges that living in the South Pacific with its cyclones and Earthquakes. But more than all else, she wanted to hear stories of the wonderful transformation power of the Holy Spirit as He calls people surrender their entire lives to Jesus. She wanted to hear … she wanted to know … she wanted to give... and she did.

As she walked away from me, I smiled as I noticed her taking those extra few moments to serve a young family. Her welcoming smile and assistance with the many little details that this young mother had to deal with, was noticed by the family and this Pastor sitting on the other side of the room. Jesus with skin on... a servant of the most high God... a person who cared. A Christian (A Little Christ.) She held the youngest child and entertained her, as the mom did all she could to get her other child to sit down at the table.

There were many people who were much closer to her than I. There are many who are feeling her loss much deeper than I. Yet the every fact that one such as myself who just passed on the outskirts of her story, for a brief moment, was so impacted by her life, stands as a clear testimony of her life. Her young life was inspiration to me to live, my life, fully devoted to the Lord and for others.

I am reminded that there is a world, awaiting us that will take away the pain that life has given. I am reminded that there is world where a King, Saviour, and Lord await and He will take away ever tear, and restore every broken place. But in the mean time I am mostly reminded that there is a world awaiting us that has not heard the message of the love of God and his plan for each person and therefore we must go.

These truths and others were clearly in focus in this young life. Now with her questions in my ears, her encouragement in my heart, this "old" Pastor will once again, stand up from my place of rest, slip on my shoes to protect against the hard ground, dawn my ball cap to protect against the sauna like heat of the sun and head out into Port Vila, to make a difference and love each one that I encounter. Thank you CK, for living a life so crystal clear that it echoes across the Pacific and beyond into eternity with clarity.

We have heard the joyful sound:
  Jesus saves! Jesus saves!
Spread the tidings all around:
  Jesus saves! Jesus saves!
Bear the news to every land,
Climb the steeps and cross the waves;
Onward!—’tis our Lord’s command;
  Jesus saves! Jesus saves!

May God’s peace rest on each of those who loved her so deeply, and may God surround each one with the comfort that only he can give. Much love and Prayer... and tears. 

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Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
I'm just someone who desires all that God has for me. - To follow God with integrity. - To relate to people honestly. - To live a life to it's totality.