It's an interesting time to be God.Have you ever wondered at the thoughts that must go through God's mind as he watches the world? He watches as mankind now worships creation rather than a creator. He watches as mankind dismisses Him as just so much mythology. He watches as mankind refuses to accept a gift that cost him everything, replacing it with something that was never designed to satisfy.I have once again been deeply saddened by reading the blog of a good friend. His self realization and self assurance is so confident and presumably so "right". His rejection of any voice that does not start it's reasoning with... "in the beginning me..." and his presumption that if something cannot be measured and confirmed by science then it holds no truth is nothing short of unsettling. The arrogance of any position that assumes the understanding of all there is, a position that he has been faithfully constructing over the decades, is inspiring in it's selfishness and closedmindedness."For the scientist that has lived by his faith in the power of reason, the story ends like a bad dream. He has scaled the mountain of ignorance. He is about to conquer the highest peak. As he pulls himself over the final rock, he is greated by a band of theologians who have been sitting there for centuries."~Robert Jastrow, God and the Astronomer
I simply see my friend, a picture of a small small that in the picture he looks smaller than any ant, standing looking toward heaven declaring in his tiny ant voice. Show yourself God to that I can measure you! For if science can't measure you you simply don't exist." And all around him there is a slow constant wind making a sound that he simply can't hear. It's the lowest voice of all... the voice of God...and he is sighing.So... I come back to my original thought. I wonder what thoughts are going through God's mind as He watches us?I have discovered that only in the realization that there is a God and he is personally interested in every aspect of our lives can real contentment and purpose be found. But not as some buddy, friend or life insurance policy but rather only as He can be seen. His interest is simple... in it's truth. He is simply interested in being God. Our God. Our King. Our master. Our Lord. Our Guide. Our Ruler. And on His throne there is only room for one.Oh yeah...and because He is who his billing says He is...He can't settle for anything less.
From a U ground to a Twist Lock.
Over the past few months I have rediscovered a truth that has changed every aspect of my life how I live and how I walk through life's challenges. This new truth isn't really new at all. I boils down to this. People are focused on control in their lives, and focused on the responsibilities and trials that are standing in front of them. Because God asks us to relinquish our control, His request places us at odds and fighting his will. So this walk of faith thing, that we so quickly talk about is simply a battle of wills.From the drug addict who kills and fights to get the money to feed his addiction to the theologian whose struggle to grasp the complexity of God without acknowledging Gods control over his life, both suffer from the same disease. They think they have any rights at all with God. I am tried of the liberal whose self professed understanding attempts to undermine the simple faith of the believer. But I am just as tired of the spiritual leader who believes that they in their wisdom have anything to offer the world. So with that thought clearly spoken let me humbly suggest that David N. Wood no longer has anything to offer to you or to your spiritual life, with the exception of a life totally surrendered to the Lord. Daily, I come to the father, confess that I am empty of anything of worth and I am in desperate need for his grace, wisdom and love. And from that worthless position I stand. So God please, allow me to no longer connect with you using a simple U ground, one that I can unplug easily with a slight tug of my will, but God rather allow me to connect with you using a twist lock. Tied together forever. May I understand your power by understanding your suffering.Paul the apostle said, I have determined to know nothing except Christ and Him crucified. . (yeah...that's it.)