Friday, June 15, 2012

Hiding Behind His Blessings

Recently I was speaking on passage of scripture from Genesis where God was looking for his son Adam. The scripture says, as God was calling his name, Adam did something that we all do.

"Then the man and his wife heard the sound of the Lord God as he was walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and they hid from the Lord God among the trees of the garden. 9 But the Lord God called to the man, “Where are you?”

It was then that an amazing thought hit me. Did you see it? It's right there after they heard the sound of the father calling their name. Yes..right there after God was walking in the cool of the day... wanting to commune as friend to friend with his child. Did you see it?

Adam and Eve hid behind beauty of the garden to keep themselves away from the presence of God. They used the presents that God had given them to keep their hearts away from the presence of their father.

Oh how often we do the same thing. We have an experience with God as a child or a youth and then spend the rest of our lives hiding behind that beautiful presents of fruit laydened fruit trees and flower covered bushes and plants in order to keep our hearts away from the present presence of God.

I am constantly aware that God is not into yesterday, although he is the God of yesterday and neither is He into tomorrow although once again he is the God of tomorrow, but God is primarily the God of today. With fresh, fruit, and new release waiting for us to discover. Oh may each of us, reading this, discover what our Dad has in store for us today.

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Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
I'm just someone who desires all that God has for me. - To follow God with integrity. - To relate to people honestly. - To live a life to it's totality.