Wednesday, June 04, 2014

We're all Vagabonds!

He giveth more grace when the burdens grow greater...
He sendth more strength when the labours increase...
to added affliction he added his mercy...
to multiplied trials his multiplied peace...

How often we see ourselves as not fitting in...
We wander aimlessly, as a Vagabond. By definition: a person who wanders from place to place without a home or job.  Oh I'm sure that does not describe your actual life but rather your spirit... are you restless?

Are you aware that God's love for you is not some disconnected passion that has nothing to do with your day to day living but is rather a practical love that is built around the person and character that God made...when he made you.

Often in this life we perceive God's love as something that happens right after, "Once Upon a Time..." and right before, "And they lived happily ever after..." 

But the truth is quite different. 

God's grace and love is more like... "it was during the big fight..." and "while they were noticing the bottom falling out."

God's grace is found in... "God wants me...not anything that I can do."

"You only hurt as much as you love, which to God is why he hurt so deeply."

"God's grace is poured out like Niagara. How can we now measure out our love"

How often we measure ourselves and find our lives measuring short of the requirements of the Word of God, short of the expectations of God's love, or the qualifications that would provide us some vain justification for claiming a living active relationship with a Holy God. Instead, we measure and find ourselves...wanting. Weak. 

And yet it is in this very state of weakness where we find the greatness of our Lord.

There is nothing on earth like the fellowship of losers found in the christian church. 
There is nothing like the poor, broken that have been called by name by a grace dispensing God.
There is nothing like the vagabonds and the human refuge that are rescued by the spirit of the Lord through his grace.

For each of us are losers (all have sinned and fallen short Romans 3:23) each of us are poor and broken ( "Healthy people don't need a doctor--sick people do. I have come to call not those who think they are righteous, but those who know they are sinners." Mark 2:17) each of us are the vagabonds and human refuge that God loves. ("Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners"--and I am the worst of them all." 1 Tim 1:17)

We all have carried the weight of sin into and onto our lives...enough to condemn us to death and yet we have been given grace by our loving father. It's time to remember just what he has done....and who are are!

... and still loved!

1 comment:

Tony said...

Thinking of you and your family today Pastor Dave.Go where God calls you to go and do what God calls you to do even when it is painful.
I understood in my heart this would come it is inevitable and not to be regretted - water and oil.
God knows your heart and no one but God can judge you.
I would have liked to have come to visit you and your family today to pray with you. To seek his will and to agree with you in acordance with scripture for his next step.
I have no interest in gossip but I do have an unquenchable fire for the truth of Gods word.
You answer to God not to man.Love to you an to yours and a special blessing of true peace right now to you all.

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Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
I'm just someone who desires all that God has for me. - To follow God with integrity. - To relate to people honestly. - To live a life to it's totality.