Monday, March 24, 2014

"Now is the winter of our discontent...

" Shakespeare could not have written a better phrase that applies more easily to the lives and passions of those who work and live in this fine city. You see avid reader, the city of Edmonton is in a funk.  It's football team has come off the worst season in decades and it's hockey team as of this morning is rated dead last in the league.  To make matters worse they were soundly trounced by Calgary on Saturday night 8-1.  Which when I read this four years from now will seem like the meaningless dribble that it is... But as Will said hundreds of years ago... "Now is the winter of our discontent..."

Which bring us to the question I would like to pose. What is it that brings you contentment?  What is it that slows your angst and calms your heart to rest and breath?  Is it some form of meditation? A good book along with a coffee and chocolate? Or rather is it prayer and waiting on God. Because the answer is not as easy or as clear cut as you would imagine.

The bible says, Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. But is that a reality for you? Are you able to trust the Lord?  Are you able like the old hymn says, "...take your burdens to The Lord and leave it there?"

If this is in fact what we are instructed to do, then why is there so much anxiety in the church week after week. The sound is too loud. The wrong missions team was highlighted on the platform, the youth are dress inappropriately, the adults are not willing to change... And on and on it goes.

Anxiety is not something that the body of Christ has the victory over but rather stews and sweats continually destroying the joy and friendships in its wake. Are we the receivers  of Gods amazing grace suppose to live lives that reflect the thought, "I have no worries. My dad has everything well in hand." Or are we no better than those who have no hope eternal?

 Sure we remember the old song, "He's got the whole world in His hands but do we believe it for ourselves? Some how I doubt it.  

Here is where you come in... Tell me what you do to bring peace in the midst of the storm. What is your go to activity? Where is your go to place? Who is your go to person that brings that sense of rest to your soul.

I really want to know. 


Rob Petkau said...

A good question Dave. I find much contentment in living my design. I discover a very personal identification with God as an artist and designer. I feel like I get him, and I understand and trust how deeply he "gets" me.

(the) Real Joy said...

Great questions, Dave! I've been made more aware of this issue in my own life lately, wondering if I really do trust God when push comes to shove...the peace, joy, love, contentment, gratitude, etc... that ought to characterize the life of the true believer is conspicuously absent in so many of us so very often. I've been convicted, pure and simple.

And as to contentment? More and more, I'm discovering it's not a situational thing at all, but depends almost completely on my own attitude, allowing God to show me again that He is who He says He is and that I am who He says I am.

Unknown said...

I am discovering the contentment of the simple things. Much if my life I longed for the vehicle, technology, the right circumstances to bring contentment (ie. I would be happy if, I would truly be content when I have...) Today I am taking a Sabbath with my family, and we have watched a show this morning, will be going on a hike and then a campfire to round things out. I am learning to slow down in the moment and drink deep because there is greater fulness in my day than I can fathom. We can be so busy trying to be content or finding contentment when often it can be found in what we already possess, if we simply slow down, breathe deeply and take in the beauty that already is. I have at times been so busy I could not see the Divine at all, but in rest and intentional pause I am discovering all that exists daily in between the chaos and noise... The rhythm of the Divine steady as a heart beat, constant as a life giving stream, woven into the very fabric of each moment.

Kathy D said...

In the midst of trials, music is my saving grace.
I am usually singing along, or humming if it's instrumental stuff. The joy and release I feel when I have time to just get absorbed in what I am listening to is probably the most therapeutic and contentment bringing thing for me.
And as for favourites, I have a few from almost every genre of music out there. There is little that I cannot enjoy, especially when the artists are proclaiming God's glory.

Thanks brother.

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Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
I'm just someone who desires all that God has for me. - To follow God with integrity. - To relate to people honestly. - To live a life to it's totality.