Friday, April 07, 2006

Grab Life by the Paintbrush!
Have you ever done this? Wanting to sell your house you begin a fix it up project list and then over the next few weeks continually ask the same question. "Why didn't we do that 5 years looks great!" Well I have. I've painted, moved furniture, sold junk, threw out almost anything that was not nailed down and now...I don't want to leave my house. It looks really good now. (sigh) Isn't that the way it always is... When it's too late to enjoy something we find ourselves with the thing we hoped for all along in our hands.

I've heard this phrase a hundred times..."Someday I will..." (fill in the blanks) If I hear that phrase any more I don't know what I'll do. You see... someday is in every sense of the word is today. I have watched as people have put off life in the vain hope that they will someday so this or that. I have watched as people who were planning to someday take that that car...finish that house...(you know the drill) Never get around to it until it's too late.

Oh I know...that seems harsh but my encouragement to everyone who reads this or anyone who reads this is to jump at the opportunities that God is setting in front of you. It's like milk...drink it when it's fresh because you won't be able to go anywhere near it when it's old.

So today do something that is not on the to do list...or the bulletin...or the plan. Jump out of a perfectly serviceable aircraft...go catch the big one fishing (it's not just for seniors anymore)...go fly a kite...race a go-cart...anything really. Just as long as at the end of the event you can feel your heart beating and you know that you are alive. Because someday you won't be.

I love the church of Jesus Christ and I love the work that I do as a pastor but if I was do anything for the body of Christ this week it would be... to go into the world and have some fun... and take a non believer with you. Now everyone always assumes that I mean leave church in order to do that...but I don't. Where else can you plan these great adventures with the entire gang and have someone else make the coffee?

So do something today  ...not tomorrow...(if you're reading this after the seven....HURRAY!!! YOUR LATE... AND WE ARE WAY AHEAD OF YOU...SO CATCH UP!

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Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
I'm just someone who desires all that God has for me. - To follow God with integrity. - To relate to people honestly. - To live a life to it's totality.