Tuesday, April 18, 2006


Have you ever left somewhere? I have. You make the announcement...set your plans...schedule your life and then...you have to do the most difficult thing imaginable. You have to tell your friends you're leaving them.

Now at first their response is always...you know.... positive... encouraging even. They smile with that half smile and congratulate you on the move that is occuring. They cry for a moment...or at least tear up as they try and maintain their cool and then...

... the challenges start...

It begins with the look...actually it's more like the lack of looking. When you see them they turn away...just for a moment at first and then more and more... as the day approaches. Then they sit farther from you at gatherings then they used to...and gravitate towards others, when all you want to do is capture that last few weeks...moments even...together. But that is not about to happen.

Time moves forward and the disappointment grows more and more. They get even more frustrated with you...without you ever knowing what is wrong. (Actually... neither do they.) Words are few and grow stronger and more angry as the days shorten. And then it happens... Mt. St. Helens erupts and words are exchanged... or worse Mt St. Helens does not erupt and instead continues to boil...and grow. (It can for years)

It seems to me that these feelings of frustration come not from the shallow seemingly meaningless relationships with associates that fill our lives with activity but rather with the few deep friendships that come along rarely. It is in these seemingly safe places that the deepest anger and explosions can occur. Of course... not because you don't love, respect or appreciate each other... but rather because you do.

A wise man, once said to me...it is far easier to be angry with someone then to say good bye. (And he was right.) We replace our feelings of deep loss and deep disappointment with anger because if we are angry we really can't be hurt as easily. It's a defense mechanism...

Now you all may be well aware of this and I may be the only one on the outside, but for those of you who are not...please forgive me if over the past few years I have been angry as you have felt my life. And I will forgive you as we have struggled through the feelings of loss and sorrow. I know this stuff... I have for years...but there is a difference between knowing something and knowing something...if you get my meaning.

So to all of you who I will miss terribly forgive me if I rant...get angry...or lash out! It is clearly only an example of the love I have for you... I just hate saying goodbye...


Anonymous said...

its hard. to watch people leave. its hard. to know that it may be the last time seeing eachother.
its hard to let your self mourn the lost of a wonderful person.

i know i walked away long before you knew that you were leaving. i got to the point that i didnt feel like i fit in. i felt like because i had a child outta wedlock basicly not even truely in love with the person i was or had become. or had this gift with. my question became. why should i be here if i feel like i shouldnt. why should i be here if i know that what ive done.. was bigger then i am..what was the point.. so i faded out. didnt really even say good bye. ...im sorry...


Dave Wood said...

You said "... so i faded out"

Remember that you can never "fade out from God...if you trust him ... I know that Gos is the is one man who will never let you down.
He'll never leave you or forsake you...ever.

Anonymous said...

I try and make a point of not saying goodbye when I am seeing someone possibly for the last time. It implies you will not see this person again. As I continue along my walk with God with my reopened eyes I realize more and more that yeah a temporary absence of a person will cause me some grief but that at the end of the journey of this life I will once again be able to converse, laugh, and worship with them in the presence of the Lord knowing full well that we each followed the path that God had chosen for us and the reasons why. So needless to say I will miss you but I will not being saying goodbye to you but I will say see you later.

The guy from across the street

I learned a hard hard lesson in my journey to date. Always keep your eyes on God not on man. He loves you and is always there...... you just have to look and accept

Dave Wood said...

I couldn't agree with you more, "The guy from across the street" God's ability to care more for us and believe more in us than we do is...simply amazing.

Get it? Amazing...as in grace?


Anonymous said...

yeah, saying goodbye sucks. especially when it's long and drawn out. but not having the chance to say goodbye sucks even more. and yeah, I have to say that if there's is a chance that you'll see each other again (on this earth, that is), then "see ya later" is always the easier option.
see ya later dave ;)

Anonymous said...

I didn't say goodbye and I'm glad... you're not dead!
Miss you.

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Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
I'm just someone who desires all that God has for me. - To follow God with integrity. - To relate to people honestly. - To live a life to it's totality.